Our Learning

At Talavera Junior School, learning is at the core of everything we do; after all, as we always say, every learning minute counts! We are passionate about providing the opportunities to children which allow them to flourish later in life. This means that we support and challenge every single pupil to achieve their very best. 

Please see the yearly overviews below for more information about the topics that are taught throughout the year:

Year 3 Yearly Overview

Year 4 Yearly Overview

Year 5 Yearly Overview

Year 6 Yearly Overview

More information about each topic for every year group can be found on the Medium Term Plans for every individual subject. These can be found in the 'Our Learning' section of the website.  

If you would like to arrange a meeting or phone call with a member of SLT or with your child's class teacher to discuss the curriculum taught in more depth, please to not hesitate to contact our school office on the email office@talaverajunior.co.uk.