Year 6

Year 6 is a pivotal year and to best prepare the children for secondary school, we expect all homework to be completed on time.

This half term, children will be receiving the following homework each week:

 Maths: This will be sent out in orange books on a Tuesday and due in the following Monday.

Children are also expected to access Times Tables Rockstars at least once weekly.

Spellings/ Grammar: Spellings will be sent out on a Monday and must be revised for the Friday. Grammar homework will be sent out on Monday and due in the following Monday. Both will be stuck into English homework books.

Reading: Children must be reading at home a minimum of x3 per week. This should be evidenced in their reading records. They will also receive weekly reading comprehension homework which will be sent out on Friday and due in the following Friday and will be stuck into English homework books.

"I couldn't thank you enough for helping me with my son. It was hard but you were there every step of the way. Mrs Webb is a wonderful Head teacher with good parent partnership"