
As part of Hampshire County Council, all school place applications need to be submitted via the websites below.

Applying for a place – School admissions - applying for a school place 

Appeals - How to appeal a decision

Forces Families

To help assist you with school admissions within the forces community, please see the below video produced by Hampshire County Council.

Parent Guidance

Admission Criteria

Hampshire County Council is the admission authority for all community and voluntary controlled primary and secondary schools.  The admission arrangements are determined by the County Council, after statutory consultations.

For the normal admission round, all on-time preferences will be considered simultaneously and ranked in accordance with the admission criteria. If more than one school can offer a place, the parent’s highest stated available preference will be allocated.

If the school is oversubscribed, places will be offered in the following priority order. Places for applications received after the deadline will be allocated using the same criteria:

1. Looked after children or children who were previously looked after (see definition i).

2. (For applications in the normal admission round only) Children or families with an exceptional medical and/or social need (see definition ii). Supporting evidence from a professional is required such as a doctor and/or consultant for medical needs or a social worker, health visitor, housing officer, the police or probation officer for social needs. This evidence must confirm the child or family’s medical or social need and why that need(s) makes it essential that the child attends Talavera Junior School rather than any other. If evidence is not submitted by the application deadline, the medical and/or social need cannot be considered.

3. Children of staff (see definition iii) who have, (1) been employed at Talavera Junior School for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, or (2) have been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

4. Children living in the catchment area (see definition iv) of Talavera Junior School who at the time of application have a sibling (see definition v) on the roll of Talavera Junior School or the linked infant schools, Marlborough Infant School or Talavera Infant School, who will still be on roll at the time of admission. [See 7 for additional children who may be considered under this criterion.]

5. Children living out of the catchment who were allocated a place at the linked infant schools, Marlborough Infant School or Talavera Infant School, in the normal admission round in a previous year because the child was displaced (see definition vi) from the catchment school for their address, and they remain living in the catchment area.

6. Other children living in the catchment area of Talavera Junior School.

7. Children living out of the catchment area who at the time of application have a sibling (see definition v) on the roll of Talavera Junior School or the linked infant schools, Marlborough Infant School or Talavera Infant School, who will still be on roll at the time of admission. [Where a sibling was allocated a place at Talavera Junior School or Marlborough Infant School or Talavera Infant School in the normal admission round in a previous year because the child was displaced (see definition vi) from the catchment school for their address, the application will be considered under 4, above, subject to the siblings still living in the catchment area for the school from which they were displaced.  In future normal admissions rounds a younger sibling will be considered to have been displaced where they were allocated a place at Talavera Junior School or Marlborough Infant School or Talavera Infant School under this criterion as a consequence of their elder sibling’s displacement and are still living in the catchment area for the school from which they were displaced].

8. Children living out of the catchment area who at the time of application are on the roll of the linked infant schools, Marlborough Infant School or Talavera Infant School.

9. Other children.


If you would like your child to come to our school, please ring to make an appointment to visit. When you come, you will be introduced to our Headteacher Mrs Webb, or a member of our senior leadership team, who will talk to you and to your child so we can find out as much as we can to support your child’s start at Talavera.

When you come for your visit, you will be shown round the school by two prefects from Year 6. You will see the adventure playground, the sports field, the IT room, the library, the wild garden, as well as visiting all the classes and meeting the teachers. 

You will be given information about school uniform, clubs that you might want to join, as well as a menu for school dinners. There is also a sheet that we ask you to complete to give to your class teacher – ‘All About Me’. 

We will tell you which class you will be in and introduce you to your new class teacher and the teaching assistant. Everybody is very friendly and wants to make sure that you enjoy being at Talavera Junior School.

On your child's first day, they will meet their class buddies who will be there to support them for the first 1-2 weeks helping them to find their way around the school and meet new friends.

It is important to us that you as parents are involved in school and feel confident to come and talk to us to share any worry or concern. We want your child to be happy at school and confident to do their best. Working together can help this happen. If you need to talk to the class teacher, they bring their class out on to the playground at the end of the day, and would be happy to see you.

Please see the full admissions policy below and link for Hampshire County Council appeals.

Admissions policy 24 25


Comments about the school:

  • Good discipline, good teachers, very supportive staff

  • I have not been in the school for a couple of years. What a fantastic difference. Change for the better!

  • They keep you up to date with all that goes on

  • Such well-behaved, proud children

  • They strive to teach the best….awesome teachers