Being online is an integral part of children and young people’s lives. Social media, online games, websites and apps can be accessed through mobile phones, computers, laptops and tablets – all of which form a part of children and young people’s online world.
The internet and online technology provides new opportunities for young people’s learning and growth, but it can also expose them to new types of risks.
At Talavera Junior School, we provide your children with a rich Computing and PSHE curriculum which teaches children about online safety. Our objectives range from teaching children how to be responsible online users to how to keep themselves safe online.
Click the link below to see an example of one of our Online Safety computing units.
Keeping children safe online extends beyond the classroom. Below we have put together a range of useful links; they will help you support your child keeping safe online. There are apps which can give you parental control so your children do not access inappropriate content, guidance on keeping children safe and our school expectations.
Please look out for our annual parent workshop and our online safety updates in our monthly parent newsletters which give you further support. You can discuss any concerns or queries with our Parent Partnership Advisors, Computing lead or, of course, class teachers.
2024-2025 Parent workshop:
Online Safety Presentation 2024-2025
Information on TikTok:
Parents' Ultimate Guide to TikTok (Commonsense Media)
TikTok app safety – What parents need to know (Internet Matters)
Parental controls for Apple devices such as iPhones, and iPads
Information on WatsApp:
Internet Matters Guide WhatsApp Infographic
Please click on the link below if you would like to find out more information about the age rating of apps that your children may have on their devices.
NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online: App age ratings
Hampshire County Council Guidelines and advice on E-safety
Our E-Safety expectation and procedure: