Statutory Policies

TJS Accessibility Policy 23 26 TJS Active Travel Policy 2023 TJS Admissions Policy 2024 2025 TJS Allegations against other children 2023 TJS Allegations against staff policy 2023 TJS Anti Bullying Policy 2023 TJS Asthma policy 2023 TJS Attendance Policy June 24 TJS Behaviour Policy 2023 TJS Behaviour Principles statement 24 TJS - Best Value Statement 22 TJS Business Continuity Plan 2024 TJS Charging and Remission Policy 2023 TJS Child protection policy 2023 2024 TJS Code of conduct policy 2023 2025 TJS Collective worship Policy 2023 TJS Complaints Procedure Policy 2023 v2 TJS Data Protection Policy 2023 TJS Designated Teacher Policy 2023 TJS Dignity at work policy 2023 TJS ECT Policy 2023 TJS Equality Policy 2024 TJS - Equality statement 2023 v2 TJS E safety Policy 2023 TJS First Aid Policy 2024 TJS Freedom of Information Policy 2022 TJS Governors Allowances Policy 23 TJS Health and Safety Policy 2024 TJS Healthy Eating Policy 2023 TJS Healthy Relationships Sex Education Policy 2023 TJS Home school agreement 23 TJS Homework Policy 23 v2 TJS Intimate Care Policy 2023 TJS IT and computing Policy 2023 TJS Low Level Concerns Policy 2023 TJS PSHE and Drugs Policy 2023 TJS Pupil Permium Policy 2024 TJS Remote learning policy 2023 TJS Restrictive physical intervention policy April 2024 TJS Safeguarding Policy 2023 TJS SEND Information Report 2024 TJS SMSC and British Values Policy 2023 TJS Social Media Policy 2023 TJS Supporting pupils with medical conditions Policy 2023 TJS Uniform policy 2023 Special educational needs and Disability 2024 2025