SEND Information
We are dedicated to ensuring that every single child has a positive experience of education; we want every individual to reach their full potential, to develop a love of learning and to enjoy being at Talavera.
Mrs Clare Litwin is our SENDCo and is available throughout the school week to meet with parents. She also provides termly sessions to support parents. These are informal opportunities to meet the team working with your child, discuss any concerns, seek advice and catch up with your child's progress towards their targets. We always want to hear your opinion and tap into your depth of knowledge and understanding of your child.
Please use our normal contact details to get in touch with Mrs Litwin.
In addition to these sessions, there are the regular progress reviews alongside professionals. You will be informed of these in advance.
Please read the attached offer for our school outlining our key principles.
Any further questions, please contact the school on 01252 322156 or