British Values

At Talavera Junior School, we celebrate that so many of our children come from service families, bringing with them a rich diversity to our school. Approximately 60% of our pupils come from minority ethnic groups, particularly from a Nepali heritage, and approximately 40% of our pupils speak English as an additional language. 

We seek to embrace the multi-cultural dynamic of our school: we celebrate cultural differences and also build a fundamental sense of togetherness. Alongside our core values (which are a crucial part of our curriculum), we consistently explore the British Values of: democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect; and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. 


Our Aims

As stated by the Department for Education (2014, p4), ‘All maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils.’  British Values are incorporated within the areas of SMSC therefore, by actively seeking to enhance our pupils’ SMSC development, we are simultaneously able to promote core British Values throughout the school.

Teaching and promoting SMSC enables our children to develop a deep sense of self whilst also guiding pupils to develop the skills of empathy in order to treat others with respect and tolerance. Through the promotion of SMSC, we have developed a mind-set in pupils whereby they feel confident, content and included as a responsible and valued member of society.

At Talavera Junior School, we prioritise the development of SMSC amongst our pupils and therefore achieve our stated aims by:

  • Providing opportunities for children to recognise and appreciate their unique diversity whilst developing their self-esteem

  • Guiding pupils to make their own decisions whilst also distinguishing between right and wrong

  • Allowing students to develop responsibility within the school and within the wider community

  • Exposing children to different cultures and beliefs whilst celebrating both similarities and differences

  • Providing opportunities that encourage children to respect themselves, others and our country as a whole

  • Teaching pupils how to voice their ideas and opinions both within the school and local community


Promoting SMSC and British Values

SMSC and British Values are embedded within foundation subjects of our school, including PSHE and RE. Consequently, we promote SMSC as follows:

  • Discrete lessons provided within our bespoke PSHE curriculum (see curriculum planning for specific links)

  • Statutory teaching of Religious Education

  • Collective worship and church visits

  • Fundraisers and community projects

  • School trips and out-of-school events

  • Cultural festivals/ event celebrations

  • Providing roles and responsibilities within the school

  • Competitive house events

  • Themed events such as: British Day, Anti-Bullying Week etc…

  • Reward systems and celebration assemblies


Our School Assemblies: 

Monday: Headteacher’s assembly

Tuesday or Wednesday: Faith-based celebration assembly planned by RE Lead. These assemblies have links to PSHE too and are part of the statutory requirement for collective worship. Year 3/5 Tuesday; Year 4/6 Wednesday. 

Thursday: Class assembly. Looking at the wider world in classes with thought-provoking pictures or scenarios to reflect upon, the children have the chance to discuss issues raised. 

Friday: Celebration Assembly recognises achievements of individuals through the giving out of Special Awards to celebrate children’s work and extra curricular achievements.


"The school has excellent teaching qualities, communication skills and interpersonal relationships between the teachers and pupils are phenomenal"