Head Teacher's Welcome

We are so happy to welcome you to Talavera Junior School, a three- and four-form entry school which serves a richly-diverse community.

We are proud that we are rated as 'Outstanding' in all areas by Ofsted (November, 2018). Through an engaging and balanced curriculum, learning is brought to life. Learning goes beyond the daily classroom work, though, and we offer our children a wide range of experiences to help them grow and develop into well-rounded and thriving individuals.

Our school life is underpinned by our core values of: Aspiration, Integrity and Resilience. These create a safe, stimulating and inclusive environment where all children thrive. They are true embodiments of our school philosophy that every learning minute counts. 

I hope that you will find our school website useful and informative. If you would like to find out more, or would like to come for a visit, please give us a call on 01252 322 156 or email office@talaverajunior.co.uk in order to arrange this. Paper copies of information may be requested.

Our prefects are always proud to show visitors around the school. 

We look forward to working closely with you to create the best outcomes for your child. 

Amanda Webb
Head Teacher

Talavera Junior School, Gun Hill, Aldershot, GU11 1RG

 "The values of ‘Aspiration, Integrity and Resilience’ are at the heart of this respectful
school community." Ofsted June 2024

"Pupils thrive in this highly ambitious and caring school." Ofsted June 2024

"There is a rich approach to developing pupils’ character. Through the Talavera Philosophy,
pupils learn about their identity and that of other cultures within the diverse school
community." Ofsted June 2024


"Thank you for everything you do as a school especially in these difficult times and please pass my gratitude onto his teachers because they really have made such a difference in this short time to my son's education."