School Closure

Snow, Bad Weather and Unforeseen Closure Procedure

In the event of bad weather, we shall endeavour to make any decisions on the closure of the school by 7.30am.

In the event of closure, we will send a message to all parents. 

Hampshire County Council post a list of school closures on their website (see link below) or you can check our noticeboard on the website.

In the event of heavy snow fall during the school day that causes us to be concerned about children’s welfare in relation to returning home, we will again text for immediate collection, update the Hampshire website and inform the local radio station mentioned above.

It is always difficult to make the right decision due to the unpredictability of the weather; we will aim to do this as swiftly as we can. Please rest assured that any decisions taken will be based around ensuring that your children are kept as safe as possible.

Please note: if the school is closed, the after-school clubs will also be closed.


If the school has to close for an extended period of time, a remote learning provision will be delivered through our school platform of Google classrooms. This was our chosen platform during the Covid-19 pandemic and all children in the school will be issued with a user name and password to allow them to access this platform if and when needed. 

"Professional and caring teachers. The school is so enthusiastic towards the diverse and multicultural students. Very approachable teachers"