Our Staff

Our team of staff are dedicated to ensuring that your child has the best education possible. This means that they work hard to create an exciting, engaging curriculum which equips pupils for life in modern Britain. They support the holistic health of your child - their development in academic, social, emotional and mental spheres. 

2024/2025 Academic Year

Executive Headteacher
  • Mrs A Webb

Head of School
  • Mrs L Harman-Box

Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo
  • Mrs C Litwin

  • Year 3: Miss L Coombs (Year Leader), Miss J Bremner, Mrs L Tichbon & Miss M Baylis

  • Year 4: Miss R Burnett (Year Leader), Miss C Coomasaru, Miss P Smyth, Mrs Litwin, Mrs Haywood & Mrs A Wright

  • Year 5: Mrs Heaton (Year Leader), Miss J Pike, Miss H Carter & Mr A Willcocks

  • Year 6: Miss L Manser, Mrs J Cooke, Miss F Mead  

  • SEND Provision Team:  Miss C Horner, Mrs A Creighton, Mr A Mitchell, Mrs E Osahan, Mrs R Barton, Miss L Balch & Miss C Collier

  • Intervention teachers: Mrs K Swanepoel & Mrs S Winter

  • PPA & ECT Release: Mr A Mitchell, Mrs A Howard & Mr P Hutson 

  • HLTA, Intervention & PPA: Mrs L McHale, Ms R West & Mrs L Geere

Learning Support Assistants
  • Year 3: Mrs L O'Leary, Mrs L Hewett, Mrs L Shackleton, Mrs D Keon & Mr Boniface

  • Year 4: Mrs S Armit, Mrs S Gurung, Mrs C Cluness, Mr Petty & Mrs S Casey

  • Year 5: Mrs Carden, Miss J Cummins, Mrs H Ross, Mrs K Swanepoel, Mrs D Mayurum, Mrs Feasby & Mrs T Hamed

  • Year 6: Mrs C Hatton, Mrs L McHale, Mrs K Swanepoel, Ms R West, Mrs A Opoku, Miss T Worswick & Mrs L Geere

 Support Team
  • Pastoral support: Mrs C Cluness & Mrs C Hatton 

  • Please see email below if you need to contact our SENDCo directly. If you would like to arrange a meeting with our SENDCo, please contact our office team to arrange an appointment.

 Office Team

  • Mrs L Wilson

  • Mrs Kirkham-Wingate 

  • Mrs S Long

  • Mr G Boniface

Catering Team
  • Mrs J Richardson

  • Mrs A Oakey

  • Mr K Hardy


"It's been a pleasure having my daughter at the school. She came a long way and thanks to the teachers who have made it really nice and easy"